We help ambitious agency owners uncover their true potential for new business growth.

We recognise that those who live and breathe an agency brand should be best-placed to promote it. Instead of hiring a conventional new business team to become the agency, we do the opposite.

We mentor agency owners in all things new business providing them with specialist support and resources to deliver growth.

When agencies work with an outsourced resource to drive their new business they usually expect work to fall in their laps - if only it was that easy! But alas, it rarely goes how they imagined; often ending in frustration and with disappointing results.

The failure is not only on the conventional new business agency but also on the agency’s inability to support their efforts effectively. It often stems from an agency's lack of understanding of what it takes to be good at winning business and how to do it cleverly and creatively (ironically). A one-dimensional outsourced sales effort, independent of the agency's creativity and distinct character, never, ever works.

And cultivating leads is only the start.... The ability to nurture prospects and employ excellent closing skills are a must or else all the hard work comes to absolutely nothing. The reality is that winning new business takes a marriage of talents, sound strategy, meticulous planning and smart execution across several disciplines - and knowing who the right people are to do it!

The answers to mastering the dark art of new business are there - we just unlock them - giving agency owners the skills, and confidence to find and use them.